Sunday, February 22, 2015

What keeps me from becoming a disciple of the Lord?  What are my possessions?  When Jesus was speaking was he talking about money and personal belongings or was it something more?
During this season of reflection and repentance, this verse spoke deeply to my heart.  I knew as soon as I read it that I needed to spend time searching my heart with this verse in mind.  What do I possess so strongly that it keeps me from being who the Lord calls me to become?  When I woke up early this morning I had house fires on my mind.  If my house were on fire what would I grab on the way out?  What is so important to me that I would risk my life for it?  When it comes down to it, my family is the only thing I would risk life and limb for.  We have a lot of stuff but none of it is more important than my life or the lives of my family.
So, in my spiritual life, why do I continue to bring my stuff?  Why do I risk spiritual life and limb as I try to flee the dangers and death and follow Jesus to abundant life?  We all have things we cling to, things that are difficult, seemingly impossible to let go of, don’t we?  I know I do.  I pray, this morning, that the Lord will reveal to me what possessions keep me from deeper discipleship.  I pray He will bring me to a place where I am freed of them forever.  I pray for you as well.


Thank you for your word.  Thank you that even as we spend a season in reflection and repentance we know we are already redeemed through your death and resurrection.  I ask that you dig deep into my heart and truly reveal the things that keep me from abundant life in you.  Help me name them and call them out.  Strengthen me to release them and be fully free in you and your love.  Until then, use these possessions to keep me stumbling so I remember that only you can save me.  Amen.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

I had a picture in my mind as I meditated on this verse.  I was a record, an LP.
If you don’t remember those, ask someone a generation older than you to explain them.  The needle started playing and as it moved in, there was a scratch on the vinyl.  The needle would jump back and start again only to find the scratch again and again.  The needle was not able to go past the scratch until it was manually picked up and guided to a new spot on the record.  When I was young, we had a record player and records.  If there was a scratch too deep, we simply had to throw out the record.
When I look at me as a record, I am filled with scratches.  If I were left to my own resources I know I would be no good and would need to be thrown away.
This verse gives me hope.  Humans cannot repair a scratch too deep on the vinyl but with God, all things are possible.  He can pick up the needle and move it but he can also repair and mend the scratches on the vinyl until they are made new.
Let our days be filled with music and trust in the Lord that if there is a skip, he will be faithful to us in repairing it so the
music goes on uninterrupted.


You know our hearts beyond what we know of our hearts.  Thank you for stepping in and not leaving us to our own devices.  Give us the courage to call on you for help and to trust in you to keep the music going as you designed.  Amen.

** This is an older writing of mine but it really spoke to me again today as I pray for hardened hearts and the condition of our world as we know it so I wanted to share again - Blessings! Sally

Saturday, February 7, 2015

A vessel; a clay pot formed by the hands of the master potter; living stone being built into a holy temple; these are the images and scriptures I have received in the last few days.
Then this morning after I read this passage in 1 Peter, I opened up my devotional and the scripture was from 1 Corinthians 13 – “Love is patient, Love it kind...”  What else should a vessel of the Lord or a temple for the Lord be filled with if not Love?
I have been in a waiting time. I am waiting on the Lord and waiting in the Lord to be shown what my next steps of action are.  The thing is I have been shown but, as usual, I question it and wait some more.  I ask how I can bring my gifts of teaching and healing to the world around me and the answer comes back “start with your family” every time.
I step into this day ready to work on my physical well-being and my spiritual well-being.  I seek to see my family and friends through the eyes of Love.  I lift my heart and hands in thanks to the Lord for his faithfulness in guiding me and his unending patience when I drag my feet.  I dedicate this day to Him and trust that He will make himself known to me and through me as he sees fit.


Please forgive my hesitant heart and please forgive my pride and selfishness.  These things get in the way of your work every time.  Heal the wounds the world inflicts on me and please heal the wounds I have inflicted on others.  Continue to build me, shape me, and guide me into the vessel you want me to be.  Use me as you will, not as I will and always to the glory of your Kingdom.  I pray all these things in Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior.  Amen.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Yet, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand."

I am nothing without God.
I am a speck of dust; a withering leaf blowing in the wind and then gone.
As I sat in mediation I acknowledged to God that all I
accomplish, anything I say or do that is right, belongs to him.  It is his protection and guidance that allow me to honor him instead of disgracing him.  Without his Spirit, I would be lost beyond recognition.
I am a vessel to be filled and used for his kingdom.  He lovingly created me knowing each and every part of me.  I am his
creation, his child, and because of this I seek to please him.  I can step forward in hope because I know that he is faithful; he is my strength and my shield.
I take hold of the hand of God and he pulls me to my feet.  I lift my hands and heart in praise and adoration of the Almighty, my Rock and my Redeemer.
He created each of us in love and he gives us what we need to serve him.  Call on his name and step into your day with the comfort of his Spirit leading the way.


Pour your grace into every crevice of my soul.  As it seeps in and brings healing and restoration, strengthen my spirit with yours.  Thank you for your continued guidance and love through every moment.  Thank you for protecting me from so many unknown attacks.  I lift your name on high and praise you on this glorious new day.  Amen.