Monday, December 22, 2014

The clouds are glowing pink and orange, reflecting the morning light of the sun. This is one of the things I treasure in my early morning quiet times.
Clouds – they are nothing but tiny droplets of water that gather together in a group of misty fluff. If there were only one drop reflecting the sun's light I would never see it, but when so many pull together it is a glorious sight to behold.
Do I reflect God's light in my daily life? Do I let His light and Love shine through me, like a droplet of water?
Do we, as Christians, join together in a chorus, a group, a cloud, as witnesses shouting our praises and reflecting the Love of God in the world?
We are on this earth for a just a moment in the span of all time; like the clouds, we are wisps that are quickly gone but during our time here, let's pull together. Let's gather as one and reflect His love in truly glorious and beautiful ways.
Join the angels saying Glory to God in the highest heaven and peace on earth!


Thank you for sunrises. Thank you for clouds and gentle rains. Let these simple things of nature remind me of the lesson you gave me this morning. As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, open our hearts to received and reflect your love in more glorious ways than we can imagine.  Open our ears to hear the angel voices so we can join in on their praises. I pray in Jesus holy name. Amen.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

We are getting our Christmas decorations out, slowly but surely.  The tree is up but we haven’t even strung the lights yet.  I have not set the Nativity up yet but our visiting elf has arrived, much to the kids delight.
I have been wondering about different practices and beliefs we hold.  Where do they come from and what do they really mean to me and my family?  When I get the decorating all done, does it point to different beliefs, do some clash with others or do they really come together in a picture of harmony?  Do my snowmen and reindeer draw away from the Christ child in the manger?  Does the lighted tree with all of its sparkly ornaments turn our attention away from God or remind us of God and his precious gift of love?
Even as I ponder these external things I am aware that I need to search my heart more.  Do I have discord and strife wrestling in my heart or is my heart covered with God love, bound together with him in perfect harmony?
My handbells concerts begin today and continue through the next couple of weeks.  I pray the chords and music will serve to remind me of this verse and of this call.  Let the music of the bells, and the music of my soul be clothed in love, binding us all together in God’s perfect harmony.


You know the strife and struggles in this world and the hearts of each of us.  I ask you to cover us in your love today.  Fill us and restore us in you.  Bind us together in love during this season of celebrating your love for us.  I pray for peace and harmony on this day.  Amen.